Simple Ponderings

This blog was created as a place for free expression in written form. It is to be a place where one can add a unique argument.

Location: Normal, Illinois, United States

I am a simple man, but sometimes engage in deep ponderings or abstractions. You might find some of those ponderings here.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Many times, an advertisement will let us think something, even if it is wrong, so long as it increases thier sales and therefore, their profit. One recent example I found out about is that of bottle water. The commercials and advertisements for bottle water lead the consumer to believe that their product is better than regular tap water. They never come right out and say it, yet they let us believe this lie. According to the 2005 Water Quality Report Issued for the Town of Normal,

"[T]he EPA regulates water delievered by public water systems, [but] the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates commercial bottled water. FDA bottled water standards are less stringent than the EPA standards. For bottled water, there are no requirements to inform consumers of the source of the water or to report many of the contaminants detected in the water. "(3)

I don't know about you, but that scares me a little. To find out that this company I trusted to supply me with a product is not telling me all the info and is leading me to believe something that is completely false makes me really nervous. To think a company would be so selfish as to not be held to as strict of standards as possible is down right disheatening.

I as the consumer have a responsibility to research the products I use, but at the same time the company has a responsibility to provide me with all the information. I am wiser now having found out about this example, but still it is a bit shocking. It just goes to show you that you should question everything an advertisement tells you and everything it implies.


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