Simple Ponderings

This blog was created as a place for free expression in written form. It is to be a place where one can add a unique argument.

Location: Normal, Illinois, United States

I am a simple man, but sometimes engage in deep ponderings or abstractions. You might find some of those ponderings here.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"Let's talk about love baby." Have you ever noticed how many different versions of love there are. Oh, sure, there is romantic love which jumps first into anyone's mind who you ask, but what about the other types. I mean there are many ways in which we as a society use the word love. I love my family- brothers, sister, mother, father. I love my pets- dogs and cats- as well as my good friends- from those I share all my dirty little secrets with to those who are just good buds. There are many people in my life which I "love". So what does the word truly mean?

In order to find a meaning that fits all of these different ways we use the word love, we need to broaden our current meaning of thinking it only means romantic love. The only definition I have found in my twenty-two years of life so far is that the word love describes an unconditional feeling toward someone or some thing. This means they can do wrong by us, yet we don't stop caring about or for that person or thing. This then becomes the stamp of true love. So the next time you find yourself saying, "I love you," ask yourself if the meaning you are trying to convey is that of an unconditional feeling. If not, then it's not love.


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